for good.

Core was inspired by the Nobel Award winning Grameen Bank and the development banking pioneer Shorebank. Spun out from the Financial Health Network in 2009, we are reimagining economic development through the power of technology. As a traditional venture capital firm with the untraditional practice of measuring the positive externalities of our investments, we're helping to chart the future of capitalism.


We operate a world-class investment firm that delivers exceptional financial returns by creating transformative social impact at scale. To do so, we invest in innovative startups that help consumers and SMBs spend, save, borrow, and plan for a brighter future.

Through early stage (pre-seed, seed, Series A) investments in fintech and fintech-adjacent businesses, we deliver returns that benefit everyone — investors, portfolio companies, and most of all, their individual customers.

Founder Testimonials

  • With its world class expert network, strong focus on financial inclusion and thoughtful approach, Core Innovation Capital is an investor every mission-driven Fintech company should bring onboard.

    Co-founder & CEO, Kikoff
  • Working with Core has been one of the great pleasures of my career. Their intensity for mission has been inspiring and a great fit for us. In addition, Core has been a phenomenal partner. I can’t give a stronger vote of confidence for a VC.

    Jordan Wright
    Co-founder & CEO, Atomic Financial
  • We put a lot of effort into finding a capital partner that was truly mission-aligned and not just paying lip service to social impact. Core has always walked the walk, and that truly matters when I have hard decisions to make as a founder.

    Atticus LeBlanc
    Co-founder & CEO, Padsplit

Our Values

The core principles that guide us forward.

Building transformative
financial products together.


Latest perspectives
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AI for Al(l)

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Redefining the American Dream: From House Keys to Business Keys

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The Unsung Hero: Why Financial Security Matters More Than You Think

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From Human to Bot, From Biased to…Fair?

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The 6 Levels of Autonomous Finance

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The New Reality: Everything is More Expensive

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Catching the Demographic Waves In Fintech

“A great investment opportunity occurs when a marvelous business encounters a one-time huge, but solvable…

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Back to the Fintech Future. Reflections on “Fintech for Good” today versus 15 years ago

On August 1st, I joined Core Innovation Capital as a General Partner following six years…

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The Opportunity for U.S. Fintech is by No Means Over. In Fact, It’s Just Beginning.

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Core’s Impact Measurement, Open Sourced.

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Pioneering Fintech Firm Core VC Announces New Partners

Los Angeles, CA, August 2, 2023 — Core Innovation Capital, a fintech venture capital firm…

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Fintech gets SaaSy

At Core Innovation Capital, we focus on aligning profit margins with customer impact as we…

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Rates up, fintech down. Is it actually that simple?

After spending the start of my career as an interest rates trader at Morgan Stanley…

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How Missionary Are You … Actually?

Every startup appears on some grand social (or environmental) mission these days. And in fintech,…

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Mercenary Impact

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DeFi in Traditional Finance is Essential, not an Oxymoron (Part II)

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A Case For Why Government Should Mandate Lifetime Basic Income (But Won’t)

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